heal my soul
tso versiyonunu aslından güzel bulduğum bir savatage şarkısı.
sözleri şöyledir;
ı've been waiting,
long forgotten
shipwrecked on a distant shore.
am ı driftng,
no more wanted
floating outward evermore?
all the dreams that
ı have harbored
ın the labrynth
of my soul
gone forever?
not discarded?
only sleeping
'til they're whole.
ın the graveyard
of my heart now
sleep the years that
ı've long sold.
for their markers
ıs there nothing?
only ghosts ı cannot hold.
father, hear me.
ı am tired.
shall ı waken in thy home?
hold me close now.
ı am trying.
sweet lord jesus,
heal my soul.
sözleri şöyledir;
ı've been waiting,
long forgotten
shipwrecked on a distant shore.
am ı driftng,
no more wanted
floating outward evermore?
all the dreams that
ı have harbored
ın the labrynth
of my soul
gone forever?
not discarded?
only sleeping
'til they're whole.
ın the graveyard
of my heart now
sleep the years that
ı've long sold.
for their markers
ıs there nothing?
only ghosts ı cannot hold.
father, hear me.
ı am tired.
shall ı waken in thy home?
hold me close now.
ı am trying.
sweet lord jesus,
heal my soul.
devamını gör...