140 journos'un, tc bilgileri ve şifrelerinin nasıl çalındığı ile ilgili videosu.
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ilk panel yazılımını ben yaptım diyen eleman çok mu vice belgeseli izlemiş napmış da gitmiş 140journos'a her şeyi anlatmış. tabii ki suç ikrarında bulunan birinin sesini değiştirip yüzünü gizliyorlar ama her şeyi polisle çoktan paylaşmadıklarına asla inanmam. eleman belki de itirafçı olmuştur ya da olacaktır bilemiyorum tabii, ama öyle bir niyeti yoktuysa da olmak zorunda kalır zaten artık.
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fivem nedir şimdi herkes öğrendi artık
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kanım dondu. bir devletin en talihsiz zamanına denk geldiğimize inanamıyorum.
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öyle şeyler anlatmışlar gerçek olamayacak kadar saçma. anlattıklarina göre e devletten telefona gelecek doğrulama kodu, tarayıcıdan f12'ye basılınca kodlar arasında görülüyormuş. programcılıkla azıcık uğraşmış herkes bilir ki bu tür şeyler katmanlama mantığıyla gizli tutulur, tarayıcıya yansıtılmaz.
bu bilginin iki anlamı olabilir sadece. ya birileri bilerek ve isteyerek kodlamada açık bırakmış ya da 140 journes denilen kanal başka devlet ya da örgütlerden fonlanıp türkiye'de yalan yanlış propaganda yapıyorlar. ama bunun "gerçek ise" bahsedildiği gibi yok acemi yazılımcıymış yok işte liyakat eksikliğiymiş gibi şeylerle savunulacak bir tarafı yok. bu bile isteye yapılır yapılırsa. çünkü güvenlik testinden geçemez böyle bir şey kafadan. yok eğer bunlar gerçekse acilen kapatın o sistemi. zararın neresinden dönsen kârdır.
sebebi ya da nasıl yapıldığı ne olursa olsun panel manel bilgilerin sızdırılmış olmasına zaten diyexek bir şey bulamıyorum.
bu bilginin iki anlamı olabilir sadece. ya birileri bilerek ve isteyerek kodlamada açık bırakmış ya da 140 journes denilen kanal başka devlet ya da örgütlerden fonlanıp türkiye'de yalan yanlış propaganda yapıyorlar. ama bunun "gerçek ise" bahsedildiği gibi yok acemi yazılımcıymış yok işte liyakat eksikliğiymiş gibi şeylerle savunulacak bir tarafı yok. bu bile isteye yapılır yapılırsa. çünkü güvenlik testinden geçemez böyle bir şey kafadan. yok eğer bunlar gerçekse acilen kapatın o sistemi. zararın neresinden dönsen kârdır.
sebebi ya da nasıl yapıldığı ne olursa olsun panel manel bilgilerin sızdırılmış olmasına zaten diyexek bir şey bulamıyorum.
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biraz gözatıp sinirden kapattım ama fivem denen naneyi youtube'da arayıp türk içeriklerden sıyrıldıktan sonra manyaklık seviyede rollenilen, çocuk çığırtısız bir server videosu gördükten sonra sanal alemin nerelere kaydığına ağzım açık hayret ettiğim oluşumun bahsi geçen video. ı joined the most realistic gta 5 rp server... :
00:00:01 8 pa 3 shots fired shots fired let me see your hands get on the ground now suspect down hold fire suspect down before we get into the gameplay ı'd like to shout out my partnership buy games cheaper with instant gaming the links will be down below in the description ı just recently joined one of the most realistic gta 55 mrp servers and ı have to say ı am actually blown away by how immersive this server is ı got super tired of the garbage low tier roleplay from the economy servers ı was a part of
00:00:37 these economy servers advertise themselves as realistic and serious but you consistently run into low effort rp and people who just don't really care about the overall experience ı tried so hard to build a serious and realistic community and a serious and realistic police department but ı just couldn't make it work in these past servers ı was the assistant chief of police in the last server ı was a part of that was a recently shut down so ı definitely know what ı'm doing and ı figured it was time
00:01:03 to move on to something that was much more high quality and provided great value for future content what you're about to see is a realistic officer involved shooting incident ı hope you guys enjoy some immersive gameplay and let's go ahead and get into it 8 paul 3 show me in route to incident 3463 assignment receive 41111 ı'm not hearing any traffic 3464 4 did you say taser deployment and 8 3 sn it up 8 three roger count three [music] 8 three on team hey take a take a field investigation report from him ı got a
00:02:40 taser deployment ı got to go to uh off of 68 so you you handle this he's i'll back if ı clear uh he's unknown trouble reporting guys dealing guns or drugs or something he was unclear okay ı'll handle it hey you doing man ı'm deputy perie ı'm with the los aneles county sheriff's department how can ı help you what's going on yeah like like ı was telling that sheriff like uh ı was just ı was just kind of passing through the woods and like ı just ı saw a couple people and man they just there was one guy just
00:03:16 blacked out suv like black clothes they were like they had the back trunk open of like the suv it just kind of looked like they were selling guns or like drugs or something they just looked really sketchy like it's such a remote area to be selling something and you said there was more than one individual yeah no it's like there was a guy talking to him like he was buying something from him okay okay like park behind him ı didn't really get a good look at that car cuz it was kind of parked behind the suv but it was like a ı ı
00:03:51 don't know the maker model too far away the guy selling was just wearing all black like this straight black okay did you happen to see what was being passed back and forth or no uh it ı can tell you it didn't look like any bags or anything like it if you ask me honestly ı think it was like a gun deal cuz like firearm deal okay yeah it just didn't it it was too like solid it's either that or like selling straight bricks or something but like normally you can kind of see a bag sway or something yeah yeah but like it like
00:04:31 whatever he handed to him it just so it was in a bag it wasn't just no it wasn't in the bag that's what ı'm saying it wasn't in a bag okay and it appeared to be a firearm from what you could tell ı ı think ı ı just it was so far away it was hard to tell and ı ı missed that first part could you tell me again where was this located where did you see this happen it's kind of like on the trail like about 5,000 is ı was off 5,000 okay like mile marker ı don't know the mile marker but like it was it was just before the
00:05:09 bridge like just no just after the bridge so we're at over here on route 68 near route 68 or what oh my is that ı ı ı think that's the guy that was buying stuff ı can't tell you for certain like right there okay you might want to have a chat with him before he takes off all right than you man and what was your name my name is uh crap ı'm having a brain fart man it ı've had a lot ı haven't had a lot of sleep tonight you haven't you don't you don't know your name all right you have a an ıd ı could see real quick there we
00:05:52 go my name man listen it's just ı haven't had a lot of sleep tonight it's it's it's charles dit charles dit all right man all right ı appreciate it yeah ı'd uh ı you can hang out if you want ı just advise ı'm going to go talk with them so ı just want to make sure you're safe if there's any firearms involved so 80 paul 3 going to be making contact with an individual black male blue shirt black suv four-door red headlights 4011 possibly armed hey man stop for a [music] second 8 paul three just drove northbound going to be
00:06:49 traffic stop now stand by for further 80 paul 3 we're going to be route 68 and joshua facing south eastbound it's going to be a black black suv red headlights license plate is going to be boy mike boxtrot hey hey so ı haven't made contact with him yet ı just got possible confirmation that this individual may be selling firearms out of the back of his suv uh so ı'm a little you know suspicious about that ı wanted to wait until you arrived right all right ı got you the tag yeah it comes back to a shawn jones
00:07:40 looks like everything's valid all right let's go do yep what's going on go down your window please what was that roll down your driver side and passenger side windows please roll down the back windows too please no ı'm good roll down the back windows no step out of the car okay go ahead and step out face the vehicle face the why am ı fa you're going to be detained so you're hard already bring him over here me take you out of the road why you failing to roll down the back windows that's for our safety we
00:08:49 ask you a question you got to abide by our orders to traffic stop you're being detained you're not free to leave there any reason am ı going to find something in the vehicle or what what happened why are you not rolling down your back windows because ı rolled my front windows down okay well we need to make sure that there's no occupants in the back seats of the car sitting there with a shotgun ready to shoot us we can't see through that's not my problem mr scary it is your problem because you're
00:09:22 being detained on a traffic stop you have an ıd on you yeah ı got an ıd it's in my car though where in the vehicle it's um it's in the center console but ı'll just give you my name ı don't want you going inside that's fine f if you want to go and write his information down all right so what's your first and last name hey sir uh do you mind telling me deputy why ı'm being stopped so ı tried to make contact with you over there by the gas station ı don't know if you saw me flagging you down so w at you
00:10:03 say that ı'm being pulled over because of what no no you're you're being pulled over for a separate reason why what did what did ı do ı just left the gas station we're going to we're going to talk about that in a second right now ı need your first and last name okay my name is sean jones okay appreciate that all right so dude this is what's going on right now so right now you're being you're being contacted pending an investigation uh we got a call about suspicious activity involving you um and so we're following
00:10:40 up on that um additionally we our secondary reason for the stop is you have ıl legal window tin on your front windows um so you're also being contacted for that okay ı guess so so what's going on today what are you up to ı'm just getting gad you just getting gas yeah ı'm just getting gas okay where you coming from uh you know that's a good question ı don't even know you don't know where you're coming from no ı'm just driving around honestly so bored and you don't have any anywhere that you're going no ı might go to a friend's house
00:11:26 later but ı'm not sure be around okay so where did you where did you start your drive at where did ı start my drive at yeah on my house where's that at um 3057 okay ı got you the norway it's a little trailer part okay and you're just you're just cruising around yeah ı'm just cruising around ı bought a gun and stuff okay where's that uh firearm at the gun yeah in the car okay what kind of gun is it um just like a little glock okay where'd you get that at the store okay what store a gun store okay you know do
00:12:19 you remember which one how did you get it today um actually ı got it from a private seller got it from a private seller yeah ı was thinking about my other gun my ar-15 that's the one ı bought from the store ı bought a handgun from some guy ı met offline okay and uh when did you was that today or when was that oh yeah that was today ı just bought it okay ı got you how long the pistol or the rifle um probably an hour ago okay maybe 30 minutes ago ı'm not too sure ı bought it when and got gas think
00:12:58 some guy looked like he was snitching to the cops and then yeah ı just drove off ı think your deputy was waving at me but ı'm not too sure ı got really dark tined windows okay um okay uh do you have any of the paperwork or anything to go along with that firearm sale oh no sir it was a private sale ı don't need any documentation you do still need documentation there's atf transfer paperwork that you need to fill out um and then you would both get a copy and you would submit it to the atf accordingly um
00:13:34 so aside um where's you said the firearm's currently in the vehicle yeah okay and you possess a concealed weapons permit oh yeah okay and is that on you or is that also in the vehicle it's in the vehicle but if you look my name of the ship po okay so that's not uh how conceal weapon permits work so you need to actually have the physical card on you so if that's in the vehicle something that we're going to need to physically see so where is that located in the vehicle in my wallet in the middle console okay so we're going
00:14:07 to go ahead and we're going to [music] go so because you are because you admitted to having firearms in your possession in the state of san andreas you actually need to present a concealed weapons carry permit if you carrying those weapons concealed which in this case that you are because you are you are carrying them concealed within your vehicle um so we have the right as law enforcement to you know check that know that you are carrying the proper weapons and we have you mind if ı grab my information and you uncuff me not with
00:14:34 weapons in that's not going to happen oh okay so again you said it's in your wallet in the center console yeah it's in there okay have you ever been arrested before oh no ı've never been arrested okay you ever been contacted by law enforcement or anything like that no man ı'm a good guy ı just work bro ı ı'm a garbage man hey well ı ı had a contact with you a few days ago so uh you must have be confused with someone else what's your name oh what's my name yeah levi ı mean levi jones no sean ı'm sorry my
00:15:15 brother's levi oh twin brother yeah ı have a brother he's a bad guy ı'm the good guy might be where ı'm mistaken okay yeah we kind of look al light we get that a lot actually in school so is it so you normally get your name mixed up with brothers yeah you know you shouldn't see anything okay ı'm just going to grab the uh ı'm just going to grab it out of the conso just lean up against the guard rail hey what you get when you're ranom ni it's him they do look very similar um does does a ccw cross check
00:16:25 on mdt it there is a ccw and a driver's license ı don't know if this is just an mdt issue but it says pending like it says valid next to it but it also says pending ı don't know yeah it's it's val okay all right um remind me of your name again sir mine yeah yours uh sean okay um so do you have any objection to us searching you or the vehicle what happened do you have any objection to us searching you or your car oh my god dude oh yes so you do not want us to search it yeah ı don't want you to ı just want to
00:17:17 go up on my way ı think ı've been here long enough all right what do you think uh well ı'm going to convene here with my other deputies and as long as they don't have any reason to hold you then ı don't see a problem with you leaving here do you have any pc to keep them here you said uh not at the moment no all right next time you do need to make sure you roll down your windows though when we ask ı did ı rolled down my first window you need to roll them all down if we ask it's an officer safety
00:17:51 thing your sa that's why you were pulled out in the first place ı'm not even gonna go there okay all right bud uh face away from us he's going to go and get his handcuffs off you ı'm going to give you your documentation back and you're going to be free to go about your business okay wait so what was the whole reason of this oh like ı said we stopped you concerning investigation here's your documents back well what investigation investigation regarding suspicious activity uh and the and then subsequently you know our other reason
00:18:24 for your stop was your window tent is way too dark so make sure to get that fixed as well we're not going give you a ticket for it but make sure you get that fixed back windows can be dark as dark as you want but your front windows cannot be that dark all right okay cool have a good rest of your day all right thank you you guys have a good day have a good evening hey uh ı have a question um so my siren control box on my car is broken okay whenever ı like flick the uh alt switch it locks all my controls oh uh and ı've that's routed
00:18:59 into that's routed into your mdt come over here oh okay well that was definitely interesting ı was kind of expecting that to go a different way ı thought we were going to be arresting the guy for ilal firearm sales 80 paul 3 we're going to be clear off the traffic ı'm going to be out with the original pr looks like standby 8 pa 3 shots fired shots fired let me see your hands get on the ground now suspect down hold fire suspect down don't you move where he at he's on the ground on the driver's side uh we got a victim that's also
00:20:33 shot he was shot by the suspect ı'm with you if you want to move up we can go in for an arrest ı got him don't move up arrest team hey craig come over to me ı'm on your guys' right you shot right nick yeah ı discharged all right ı'm grab ı'm going to grab a shield uh you hold lethal cover and then uh go ahead and for you all right ı got the shield ı'll take point craig you'll go hands and then uh buck or buck you're going to go hands and then craig you hold nonlethal all right yep yep are you guys ready to move
00:21:24 yep ready move don't reach for it open up to your right travis y okay cuffs are on all right he's good all right ı'm going to go put the shield back ı'll render aid to him if somebody wants to render aid to the victim yeah oh my god 8 paul 3 could we get an additional unit to stop traffic on the uh northbound lanes come on move it the address ı'm going to grab you my med bag real quick give me a second it's going to be route 68 address 4011 officer involved shooting can you hear me man where you
00:22:24 hit ı'm not getting a pulse on him he's been shot numerous times ı got you here's my defib ı'm going to grab some gauze out of your kit here ı don't have anything in it ı can give you some gauze if you need it uh it's in there ı think it yeah ı've got some stuff all right joshu and down do we have an ambulance in route ı think we've got county med ı'll double check we'll let them take over when they get here ı'm going to continue cpr until they arrive let me know if you need to switch out think 4:15 ı'm going to be on sc
00:24:32 all right ı'm going to let you take over ı attempted defibulation twice ı got nothing no pulse he's shot numerous times in the chest ı got the bleeding stopped but ı'm not getting anything all right can ı have your name rank and years of service please deputy nikolai perry uh one year of service okay and go ahead and start with a brief overview of the events leading up to an immediately following the officer invol shooting uh we responded to an incident at the gas station it's the one right next to us
00:25:14 4011 it was regarding an individual that was requesting to make a police report the police report was regarding uh suspicious activity from a man that was uh driving a van he was supposedly selling firearms out of the back of his vehicle the person reporting thought that this was very suspicious and contacted us as ı was conducting my investigation uh the black vehicle pulled up to the gas station at 4011 um after getting the name from the pr ı went to go make contact with the uh individual with the black
00:25:54 suv he took off um ı attempted a traffic stop got the vehicle stopped we approached the vehicle uh we asked him to roll down his windows he rolled down the front driver side and passenger side but refused to roll down the ones in the rear uh at that moment he was being uncompliant so we pulled him out of the car we uh detained him per investigation um we ended up essentially releasing him we did not find anything uh criminal that we could charge him with there was no probable cause to keep it so we decided to release him everything
00:26:31 was valid he had a fire firearms license that was valid firearm in the vehicle everything was fine um as we cleared off the traffic stop ı drove northbound here on route 68 ı observed the pr's vehicle from earlier ı believe his name was charles dwit is the name that ı got from him and the suspect name was shawn jones so as ı was driving northbound going back to nate ı observed the pr and mr jones vehicle parked behind the pr's vehicle uh he made contact with the victim pulled out a firearm and shot the
00:27:14 victim multiple times ı got out of my cruiser after relaying shots fired over frequency and uh discharged my firearm at the suspect as he was getting into the vehicle with his firearm in hand okay and when you shot how approximately how many rounds would you say fir ı would say about an entire magazine ı'm not entirely sure it was ı was shooting to end the threat it's a tight squeeze do you feel f to return to service yes sir okay ı'll have you turn your service weapon in at the nearest outpost uh you
00:28:05 can pick up another one and uh return to service at your judgment yes sir is there any particular place where my firearm needs to be deposited you can just deposit it to the uh the evidence room okay oh that was that was something else dude that right there is going to finish up the video ı really hope you guys enjoyed let me know what you think down below in the comments if you want to know the server that ı was playing it was critical incident rp the links will be down below in the description if you
00:28:39 guys are curious about joining either way thank you guys again and we'll see you in the next video
00:00:01 8 pa 3 shots fired shots fired let me see your hands get on the ground now suspect down hold fire suspect down before we get into the gameplay ı'd like to shout out my partnership buy games cheaper with instant gaming the links will be down below in the description ı just recently joined one of the most realistic gta 55 mrp servers and ı have to say ı am actually blown away by how immersive this server is ı got super tired of the garbage low tier roleplay from the economy servers ı was a part of
00:00:37 these economy servers advertise themselves as realistic and serious but you consistently run into low effort rp and people who just don't really care about the overall experience ı tried so hard to build a serious and realistic community and a serious and realistic police department but ı just couldn't make it work in these past servers ı was the assistant chief of police in the last server ı was a part of that was a recently shut down so ı definitely know what ı'm doing and ı figured it was time
00:01:03 to move on to something that was much more high quality and provided great value for future content what you're about to see is a realistic officer involved shooting incident ı hope you guys enjoy some immersive gameplay and let's go ahead and get into it 8 paul 3 show me in route to incident 3463 assignment receive 41111 ı'm not hearing any traffic 3464 4 did you say taser deployment and 8 3 sn it up 8 three roger count three [music] 8 three on team hey take a take a field investigation report from him ı got a
00:02:40 taser deployment ı got to go to uh off of 68 so you you handle this he's i'll back if ı clear uh he's unknown trouble reporting guys dealing guns or drugs or something he was unclear okay ı'll handle it hey you doing man ı'm deputy perie ı'm with the los aneles county sheriff's department how can ı help you what's going on yeah like like ı was telling that sheriff like uh ı was just ı was just kind of passing through the woods and like ı just ı saw a couple people and man they just there was one guy just
00:03:16 blacked out suv like black clothes they were like they had the back trunk open of like the suv it just kind of looked like they were selling guns or like drugs or something they just looked really sketchy like it's such a remote area to be selling something and you said there was more than one individual yeah no it's like there was a guy talking to him like he was buying something from him okay okay like park behind him ı didn't really get a good look at that car cuz it was kind of parked behind the suv but it was like a ı ı
00:03:51 don't know the maker model too far away the guy selling was just wearing all black like this straight black okay did you happen to see what was being passed back and forth or no uh it ı can tell you it didn't look like any bags or anything like it if you ask me honestly ı think it was like a gun deal cuz like firearm deal okay yeah it just didn't it it was too like solid it's either that or like selling straight bricks or something but like normally you can kind of see a bag sway or something yeah yeah but like it like
00:04:31 whatever he handed to him it just so it was in a bag it wasn't just no it wasn't in the bag that's what ı'm saying it wasn't in a bag okay and it appeared to be a firearm from what you could tell ı ı think ı ı just it was so far away it was hard to tell and ı ı missed that first part could you tell me again where was this located where did you see this happen it's kind of like on the trail like about 5,000 is ı was off 5,000 okay like mile marker ı don't know the mile marker but like it was it was just before the
00:05:09 bridge like just no just after the bridge so we're at over here on route 68 near route 68 or what oh my is that ı ı ı think that's the guy that was buying stuff ı can't tell you for certain like right there okay you might want to have a chat with him before he takes off all right than you man and what was your name my name is uh crap ı'm having a brain fart man it ı've had a lot ı haven't had a lot of sleep tonight you haven't you don't you don't know your name all right you have a an ıd ı could see real quick there we
00:05:52 go my name man listen it's just ı haven't had a lot of sleep tonight it's it's it's charles dit charles dit all right man all right ı appreciate it yeah ı'd uh ı you can hang out if you want ı just advise ı'm going to go talk with them so ı just want to make sure you're safe if there's any firearms involved so 80 paul 3 going to be making contact with an individual black male blue shirt black suv four-door red headlights 4011 possibly armed hey man stop for a [music] second 8 paul three just drove northbound going to be
00:06:49 traffic stop now stand by for further 80 paul 3 we're going to be route 68 and joshua facing south eastbound it's going to be a black black suv red headlights license plate is going to be boy mike boxtrot hey hey so ı haven't made contact with him yet ı just got possible confirmation that this individual may be selling firearms out of the back of his suv uh so ı'm a little you know suspicious about that ı wanted to wait until you arrived right all right ı got you the tag yeah it comes back to a shawn jones
00:07:40 looks like everything's valid all right let's go do yep what's going on go down your window please what was that roll down your driver side and passenger side windows please roll down the back windows too please no ı'm good roll down the back windows no step out of the car okay go ahead and step out face the vehicle face the why am ı fa you're going to be detained so you're hard already bring him over here me take you out of the road why you failing to roll down the back windows that's for our safety we
00:08:49 ask you a question you got to abide by our orders to traffic stop you're being detained you're not free to leave there any reason am ı going to find something in the vehicle or what what happened why are you not rolling down your back windows because ı rolled my front windows down okay well we need to make sure that there's no occupants in the back seats of the car sitting there with a shotgun ready to shoot us we can't see through that's not my problem mr scary it is your problem because you're
00:09:22 being detained on a traffic stop you have an ıd on you yeah ı got an ıd it's in my car though where in the vehicle it's um it's in the center console but ı'll just give you my name ı don't want you going inside that's fine f if you want to go and write his information down all right so what's your first and last name hey sir uh do you mind telling me deputy why ı'm being stopped so ı tried to make contact with you over there by the gas station ı don't know if you saw me flagging you down so w at you
00:10:03 say that ı'm being pulled over because of what no no you're you're being pulled over for a separate reason why what did what did ı do ı just left the gas station we're going to we're going to talk about that in a second right now ı need your first and last name okay my name is sean jones okay appreciate that all right so dude this is what's going on right now so right now you're being you're being contacted pending an investigation uh we got a call about suspicious activity involving you um and so we're following
00:10:40 up on that um additionally we our secondary reason for the stop is you have ıl legal window tin on your front windows um so you're also being contacted for that okay ı guess so so what's going on today what are you up to ı'm just getting gad you just getting gas yeah ı'm just getting gas okay where you coming from uh you know that's a good question ı don't even know you don't know where you're coming from no ı'm just driving around honestly so bored and you don't have any anywhere that you're going no ı might go to a friend's house
00:11:26 later but ı'm not sure be around okay so where did you where did you start your drive at where did ı start my drive at yeah on my house where's that at um 3057 okay ı got you the norway it's a little trailer part okay and you're just you're just cruising around yeah ı'm just cruising around ı bought a gun and stuff okay where's that uh firearm at the gun yeah in the car okay what kind of gun is it um just like a little glock okay where'd you get that at the store okay what store a gun store okay you know do
00:12:19 you remember which one how did you get it today um actually ı got it from a private seller got it from a private seller yeah ı was thinking about my other gun my ar-15 that's the one ı bought from the store ı bought a handgun from some guy ı met offline okay and uh when did you was that today or when was that oh yeah that was today ı just bought it okay ı got you how long the pistol or the rifle um probably an hour ago okay maybe 30 minutes ago ı'm not too sure ı bought it when and got gas think
00:12:58 some guy looked like he was snitching to the cops and then yeah ı just drove off ı think your deputy was waving at me but ı'm not too sure ı got really dark tined windows okay um okay uh do you have any of the paperwork or anything to go along with that firearm sale oh no sir it was a private sale ı don't need any documentation you do still need documentation there's atf transfer paperwork that you need to fill out um and then you would both get a copy and you would submit it to the atf accordingly um
00:13:34 so aside um where's you said the firearm's currently in the vehicle yeah okay and you possess a concealed weapons permit oh yeah okay and is that on you or is that also in the vehicle it's in the vehicle but if you look my name of the ship po okay so that's not uh how conceal weapon permits work so you need to actually have the physical card on you so if that's in the vehicle something that we're going to need to physically see so where is that located in the vehicle in my wallet in the middle console okay so we're going
00:14:07 to go ahead and we're going to [music] go so because you are because you admitted to having firearms in your possession in the state of san andreas you actually need to present a concealed weapons carry permit if you carrying those weapons concealed which in this case that you are because you are you are carrying them concealed within your vehicle um so we have the right as law enforcement to you know check that know that you are carrying the proper weapons and we have you mind if ı grab my information and you uncuff me not with
00:14:34 weapons in that's not going to happen oh okay so again you said it's in your wallet in the center console yeah it's in there okay have you ever been arrested before oh no ı've never been arrested okay you ever been contacted by law enforcement or anything like that no man ı'm a good guy ı just work bro ı ı'm a garbage man hey well ı ı had a contact with you a few days ago so uh you must have be confused with someone else what's your name oh what's my name yeah levi ı mean levi jones no sean ı'm sorry my
00:15:15 brother's levi oh twin brother yeah ı have a brother he's a bad guy ı'm the good guy might be where ı'm mistaken okay yeah we kind of look al light we get that a lot actually in school so is it so you normally get your name mixed up with brothers yeah you know you shouldn't see anything okay ı'm just going to grab the uh ı'm just going to grab it out of the conso just lean up against the guard rail hey what you get when you're ranom ni it's him they do look very similar um does does a ccw cross check
00:16:25 on mdt it there is a ccw and a driver's license ı don't know if this is just an mdt issue but it says pending like it says valid next to it but it also says pending ı don't know yeah it's it's val okay all right um remind me of your name again sir mine yeah yours uh sean okay um so do you have any objection to us searching you or the vehicle what happened do you have any objection to us searching you or your car oh my god dude oh yes so you do not want us to search it yeah ı don't want you to ı just want to
00:17:17 go up on my way ı think ı've been here long enough all right what do you think uh well ı'm going to convene here with my other deputies and as long as they don't have any reason to hold you then ı don't see a problem with you leaving here do you have any pc to keep them here you said uh not at the moment no all right next time you do need to make sure you roll down your windows though when we ask ı did ı rolled down my first window you need to roll them all down if we ask it's an officer safety
00:17:51 thing your sa that's why you were pulled out in the first place ı'm not even gonna go there okay all right bud uh face away from us he's going to go and get his handcuffs off you ı'm going to give you your documentation back and you're going to be free to go about your business okay wait so what was the whole reason of this oh like ı said we stopped you concerning investigation here's your documents back well what investigation investigation regarding suspicious activity uh and the and then subsequently you know our other reason
00:18:24 for your stop was your window tent is way too dark so make sure to get that fixed as well we're not going give you a ticket for it but make sure you get that fixed back windows can be dark as dark as you want but your front windows cannot be that dark all right okay cool have a good rest of your day all right thank you you guys have a good day have a good evening hey uh ı have a question um so my siren control box on my car is broken okay whenever ı like flick the uh alt switch it locks all my controls oh uh and ı've that's routed
00:18:59 into that's routed into your mdt come over here oh okay well that was definitely interesting ı was kind of expecting that to go a different way ı thought we were going to be arresting the guy for ilal firearm sales 80 paul 3 we're going to be clear off the traffic ı'm going to be out with the original pr looks like standby 8 pa 3 shots fired shots fired let me see your hands get on the ground now suspect down hold fire suspect down don't you move where he at he's on the ground on the driver's side uh we got a victim that's also
00:20:33 shot he was shot by the suspect ı'm with you if you want to move up we can go in for an arrest ı got him don't move up arrest team hey craig come over to me ı'm on your guys' right you shot right nick yeah ı discharged all right ı'm grab ı'm going to grab a shield uh you hold lethal cover and then uh go ahead and for you all right ı got the shield ı'll take point craig you'll go hands and then uh buck or buck you're going to go hands and then craig you hold nonlethal all right yep yep are you guys ready to move
00:21:24 yep ready move don't reach for it open up to your right travis y okay cuffs are on all right he's good all right ı'm going to go put the shield back ı'll render aid to him if somebody wants to render aid to the victim yeah oh my god 8 paul 3 could we get an additional unit to stop traffic on the uh northbound lanes come on move it the address ı'm going to grab you my med bag real quick give me a second it's going to be route 68 address 4011 officer involved shooting can you hear me man where you
00:22:24 hit ı'm not getting a pulse on him he's been shot numerous times ı got you here's my defib ı'm going to grab some gauze out of your kit here ı don't have anything in it ı can give you some gauze if you need it uh it's in there ı think it yeah ı've got some stuff all right joshu and down do we have an ambulance in route ı think we've got county med ı'll double check we'll let them take over when they get here ı'm going to continue cpr until they arrive let me know if you need to switch out think 4:15 ı'm going to be on sc
00:24:32 all right ı'm going to let you take over ı attempted defibulation twice ı got nothing no pulse he's shot numerous times in the chest ı got the bleeding stopped but ı'm not getting anything all right can ı have your name rank and years of service please deputy nikolai perry uh one year of service okay and go ahead and start with a brief overview of the events leading up to an immediately following the officer invol shooting uh we responded to an incident at the gas station it's the one right next to us
00:25:14 4011 it was regarding an individual that was requesting to make a police report the police report was regarding uh suspicious activity from a man that was uh driving a van he was supposedly selling firearms out of the back of his vehicle the person reporting thought that this was very suspicious and contacted us as ı was conducting my investigation uh the black vehicle pulled up to the gas station at 4011 um after getting the name from the pr ı went to go make contact with the uh individual with the black
00:25:54 suv he took off um ı attempted a traffic stop got the vehicle stopped we approached the vehicle uh we asked him to roll down his windows he rolled down the front driver side and passenger side but refused to roll down the ones in the rear uh at that moment he was being uncompliant so we pulled him out of the car we uh detained him per investigation um we ended up essentially releasing him we did not find anything uh criminal that we could charge him with there was no probable cause to keep it so we decided to release him everything
00:26:31 was valid he had a fire firearms license that was valid firearm in the vehicle everything was fine um as we cleared off the traffic stop ı drove northbound here on route 68 ı observed the pr's vehicle from earlier ı believe his name was charles dwit is the name that ı got from him and the suspect name was shawn jones so as ı was driving northbound going back to nate ı observed the pr and mr jones vehicle parked behind the pr's vehicle uh he made contact with the victim pulled out a firearm and shot the
00:27:14 victim multiple times ı got out of my cruiser after relaying shots fired over frequency and uh discharged my firearm at the suspect as he was getting into the vehicle with his firearm in hand okay and when you shot how approximately how many rounds would you say fir ı would say about an entire magazine ı'm not entirely sure it was ı was shooting to end the threat it's a tight squeeze do you feel f to return to service yes sir okay ı'll have you turn your service weapon in at the nearest outpost uh you
00:28:05 can pick up another one and uh return to service at your judgment yes sir is there any particular place where my firearm needs to be deposited you can just deposit it to the uh the evidence room okay oh that was that was something else dude that right there is going to finish up the video ı really hope you guys enjoyed let me know what you think down below in the comments if you want to know the server that ı was playing it was critical incident rp the links will be down below in the description if you
00:28:39 guys are curious about joining either way thank you guys again and we'll see you in the next video
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ne kadar aklı başında, işi bilen siber güvenlik uzmanı da dahil, çoğu insan yurtdışına gittiği için, elde kalanlardan da, liyakat usulü seçilmediği için, olabilir bir şey gibi gelse de, o durumda dahi, aşırı saçma, hala olabilirliği sağlam bir zeminde değil. 15 dakika bir video izleseler youtube'dan, önemli api kodlarının, sms doğrulamaların, bazı içerde çalışması ve ayyuka çıkmaması gereken kodların nasıl gizleneceğini, en azından 15 yaşında çocuğun çalamayacağı seviyeye indirgenebileceğini öğrenebilirlerdi. memur olmanın böyle bir sorunu var galiba, ama bu artık nasıl olsa denetleyen yok diye işi savsaklamanın da ötesinde, vatanını hiç sevmemek falan oluyor, yazık gerçekten.
(bu entry, bu videoda geçenlerin gerçek olduğu varsayılarak girilmiştir, elbette işler bu şekilde de olmamış olabilir)
ikincisi ise 6 aylık front end öğrenme serüvenimden sonra, javascript kodunun çalışıp çalışmadığını anlayabilmek için (geliştirme sürecinde) istenilen bilgilerin console.log'a yazdırma, oradan takip etme durumu olabilir, ancak iş bitince console.log'a yazdıran kod bloğu silinir. bu videoda iddia edilene göre, sms doğrulama kısmını console.log'tan silmemişler.
iş aslında o kadar ele ayağa düşmüş, saçma bir boyutta ki, ortada hack denilen bir şey var mı tartışılır, yolda küçük bir çocuğu dövüp, şifresini almak bile, sosyal mühendislik ve illegalite karışımı bir planı gerektiriyor, bu adamların yaptığı şeyde o kadar bile komplekslik yok ahahahaaaaa. varın siz düşünün, profesyonel olarak, uğraşanların neleri bulabildiğini ve elbette profesyonel oldukları için, hiçbirimizin haberinin dahi olmadığı neler meydana geldiğini.
ne kadar aklı başında, işi bilen siber güvenlik uzmanı da dahil, çoğu insan yurtdışına gittiği için, elde kalanlardan da, liyakat usulü seçilmediği için, olabilir bir şey gibi gelse de, o durumda dahi, aşırı saçma, hala olabilirliği sağlam bir zeminde değil. 15 dakika bir video izleseler youtube'dan, önemli api kodlarının, sms doğrulamaların, bazı içerde çalışması ve ayyuka çıkmaması gereken kodların nasıl gizleneceğini, en azından 15 yaşında çocuğun çalamayacağı seviyeye indirgenebileceğini öğrenebilirlerdi. memur olmanın böyle bir sorunu var galiba, ama bu artık nasıl olsa denetleyen yok diye işi savsaklamanın da ötesinde, vatanını hiç sevmemek falan oluyor, yazık gerçekten.
(bu entry, bu videoda geçenlerin gerçek olduğu varsayılarak girilmiştir, elbette işler bu şekilde de olmamış olabilir)
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