youtubeda müzik paylaşımı yapan kanal. nocopyrightsounds, 2011 yılında billy wooford tarafından kurulmuş britanyalı müzik şirketi. şirket, woodford'un video oyunu videoları'na kullanılabilmesi için serbest müzikler keşfetmek maksadıyla kurulmuştur. ncs çeşitli müzisyenlerden çeşitli müzik yayınlamıştır. kanalın açıklaması şu şekilde:
nocopyrightsounds is a copyright free / stream safe record label, providing free to use music to the content creator community. we work with artists from around the world in electronic music, representing genres from house to dubstep via trap, drum & bass, electro pop and more. ncs music is free to use for independent creators and their ugc (user generated content) on youtube & twitch - always remember to credit the artist, track and ncs and link back to our original ncs upload. view our usage policy and some frequently asked questions here: ncs.io/UsagePolicy grab our new apparel range here:
1 youtube 32,4 milyon abone
1 www.youtube.com/c/NoCopyrig...
2 instagram 365 bin takipçi
2 www.instagram.com/nocopyrig...
3 discord 24 bin üye
3 discord.com/invite/Wjb9nJgmch
4 spotify 424 bin takipçi
4 open.spotify.com/user/nocop...
5 site
5 ncs.io/music
nocopyrightsounds is a copyright free / stream safe record label, providing free to use music to the content creator community. we work with artists from around the world in electronic music, representing genres from house to dubstep via trap, drum & bass, electro pop and more. ncs music is free to use for independent creators and their ugc (user generated content) on youtube & twitch - always remember to credit the artist, track and ncs and link back to our original ncs upload. view our usage policy and some frequently asked questions here: ncs.io/UsagePolicy grab our new apparel range here:
1 youtube 32,4 milyon abone
1 www.youtube.com/c/NoCopyrig...
2 instagram 365 bin takipçi
2 www.instagram.com/nocopyrig...
3 discord 24 bin üye
3 discord.com/invite/Wjb9nJgmch
4 spotify 424 bin takipçi
4 open.spotify.com/user/nocop...
5 site
5 ncs.io/music
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