bir irish klasiği. başlığının açılmamış olması daha da bir klasik.
(bkz: irlanda bağımsızlık savașı)'ndan veya (bkz: ira)'nin ne olduğundan bahsetmenin yeri burası değil. o sebeple kısa kesersem, önce birinci cihan harbi sırasında isyan eden irlandalılar arasında yaygınlașan, sonrasında dünyanin dört bir yerindeki irlandalı diasporası arasında dilden dile dolașan bir șarkıdır.
șarkıda ingilizler'in güney ve kuzey afrika'da yaptıkları, irlanda halkının çektikleri ve isyanı bastırmakla görevlendirilen (bkz: black and tans) zabıta(?)larının nasıl da kaybettikleri anlatılır. sözleri de şöyledir:
ı was born on a dublin street where the royal drums the beat
and the loving english feet they went all over us
and every single night when me da' would came home tight
he'd invite the neighbors out with this chorus
come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
show your wife how you won medals down in flanders
tell her how the ıra made you run like hell away
from the green and lovely lanes of killashandra
come tell us how you slew them old arabs two by two
like the zulus they had spears, bows and arrows
how brave you faced one with your 16-pounder gun
and you frightened them natives to their marrow
come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
show your wife how you won medals down in flanders
tell her how the ıra made you run like hell away
from the green and lovely lanes of killashandra
come let us hear you tell how you slandered great parnell
when you fought them well and truly persecuted
where are the sneers and jeers that you loudly let us hear
when our leaders of sixteen were executed?
come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
show your wife how you won medals down in flanders
tell her how the ıra made you run like hell away
from the green and lovely lanes of killashandra
come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
show your wife how you won medals down in flanders
tell her how the ıra made you run like hell away
from the green and lovely lanes of killashandra
(bkz: irlanda bağımsızlık savașı)'ndan veya (bkz: ira)'nin ne olduğundan bahsetmenin yeri burası değil. o sebeple kısa kesersem, önce birinci cihan harbi sırasında isyan eden irlandalılar arasında yaygınlașan, sonrasında dünyanin dört bir yerindeki irlandalı diasporası arasında dilden dile dolașan bir șarkıdır.
șarkıda ingilizler'in güney ve kuzey afrika'da yaptıkları, irlanda halkının çektikleri ve isyanı bastırmakla görevlendirilen (bkz: black and tans) zabıta(?)larının nasıl da kaybettikleri anlatılır. sözleri de şöyledir:
ı was born on a dublin street where the royal drums the beat
and the loving english feet they went all over us
and every single night when me da' would came home tight
he'd invite the neighbors out with this chorus
come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
show your wife how you won medals down in flanders
tell her how the ıra made you run like hell away
from the green and lovely lanes of killashandra
come tell us how you slew them old arabs two by two
like the zulus they had spears, bows and arrows
how brave you faced one with your 16-pounder gun
and you frightened them natives to their marrow
come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
show your wife how you won medals down in flanders
tell her how the ıra made you run like hell away
from the green and lovely lanes of killashandra
come let us hear you tell how you slandered great parnell
when you fought them well and truly persecuted
where are the sneers and jeers that you loudly let us hear
when our leaders of sixteen were executed?
come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
show your wife how you won medals down in flanders
tell her how the ıra made you run like hell away
from the green and lovely lanes of killashandra
come out ye black and tans, come out and fight me like a man
show your wife how you won medals down in flanders
tell her how the ıra made you run like hell away
from the green and lovely lanes of killashandra
devamını gör...
ahh, şimdi bu şarkıyı irlanda'nın orta yerinde irish ladlar ile bağıra bağıra söylemek vardı.
kraliçeyi yad eder, bir kadeh de ona içerdik.*
kraliçeyi yad eder, bir kadeh de ona içerdik.*
devamını gör...