bir mo'kalamity şarkısı. radyoda denk geldiğim günden beri arada açar dinlerim. bir mesaj veriyor gibi havası var şarkının derdi nedir bilmiyorum. türkçe olsa bu şarkı şöyle bir şey olurdu herhalde başlangıcı.
köprüden önceki son çıkıştayız, uyanık olmalıyız, haksızlık adaletsizlik diz boyu, oturup tarihi yeniden yazmalıyız.
ulan bu şarkı baya baya solcu şarkısıymış hahaha şimdi fark ettim, olsun ocakta ingiliççe bilen yok ki mayk ben yine açar dinlerim ahmet kaya da dinliyorum bazen.
we're on a deadline
we can't be blind
too much iniquity
we have to write another line
of our history
of our history
of our history
what are you looking for?
we have already lost the race, seen
what are you looking for?
we've got everything we need
what are you doing now?
stay stay on the frontline
stay on the frontline
we're on a deadline
we can't be blind
too much iniquity
we have to write another line
of our history
of our history
of our history
bring the peace in, the justice for ı'm in (amidst all these madness)
set up a point to their convictions
them living in high illusion
make us look like fools
don't let them put their rules
to them, nothing to prove
we're on a deadline
we can't be blind
too much iniquity
we have to write another line
of our history
of our history
of our history
the key is in your heart
look after your brother
writing another part
we must arise
the key is in your heart
look after your brother
writing another part
we must arise
we're on a deadline
we can't be blind
too much iniquity
we have to write another line
of our history
of our history
of our history
ohh, ohh-ohh
ohh, ohh-ohh
köprüden önceki son çıkıştayız, uyanık olmalıyız, haksızlık adaletsizlik diz boyu, oturup tarihi yeniden yazmalıyız.
ulan bu şarkı baya baya solcu şarkısıymış hahaha şimdi fark ettim, olsun ocakta ingiliççe bilen yok ki mayk ben yine açar dinlerim ahmet kaya da dinliyorum bazen.
we're on a deadline
we can't be blind
too much iniquity
we have to write another line
of our history
of our history
of our history
what are you looking for?
we have already lost the race, seen
what are you looking for?
we've got everything we need
what are you doing now?
stay stay on the frontline
stay on the frontline
we're on a deadline
we can't be blind
too much iniquity
we have to write another line
of our history
of our history
of our history
bring the peace in, the justice for ı'm in (amidst all these madness)
set up a point to their convictions
them living in high illusion
make us look like fools
don't let them put their rules
to them, nothing to prove
we're on a deadline
we can't be blind
too much iniquity
we have to write another line
of our history
of our history
of our history
the key is in your heart
look after your brother
writing another part
we must arise
the key is in your heart
look after your brother
writing another part
we must arise
we're on a deadline
we can't be blind
too much iniquity
we have to write another line
of our history
of our history
of our history
ohh, ohh-ohh
ohh, ohh-ohh
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