kuş gribi , domuz gribi geçirdik ve yarasalar bize covıd bulaştırdı. şimdi ölümcül monkey b virüsünü dünyaya tanıtmanın zamanı geldi..
çin'in başkenti pekin'de 53 yaşındaki erkek veterinerin "monkey b" (bv) virüsü nedeniyle hayatını kaybetmesiyle virüs kaynaklı ilk ölümün gerçekleştiği bildirildi.ntv
çin'in başkenti pekin'de 53 yaşındaki erkek veterinerin "monkey b" (bv) virüsü nedeniyle hayatını kaybetmesiyle virüs kaynaklı ilk ölümün gerçekleştiği bildirildi.ntv
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bir herpes virusü evet uçuk yapandan, sanki ilk defa kesfedilmis gibi haber yapmislar.
there have been fewer than 100 reported human infections of herpes b since the first case of primate-to-human transmission in 1932, many of them in north america, where scientists tend to be more aware of the disease, ıwata said. there are likely to be cases of the virus that have gone undetected, but experts still widely believe that it is an extremely rare condition among humans.
both herpes b and the novel coronavirus are “the consequence of species jumps,” said nikolaus osterrieder, dean of the jockey club college of veterinary medicine and life sciences in hong kong. “but the important difference is that in the case from herpes b, it’s a dead end. ıt’s not jumping from one human to another human,” he added. “sars-cov-2, on the other hand, acquired the ability to spread to a new host.”
there have been fewer than 100 reported human infections of herpes b since the first case of primate-to-human transmission in 1932, many of them in north america, where scientists tend to be more aware of the disease, ıwata said. there are likely to be cases of the virus that have gone undetected, but experts still widely believe that it is an extremely rare condition among humans.
both herpes b and the novel coronavirus are “the consequence of species jumps,” said nikolaus osterrieder, dean of the jockey club college of veterinary medicine and life sciences in hong kong. “but the important difference is that in the case from herpes b, it’s a dead end. ıt’s not jumping from one human to another human,” he added. “sars-cov-2, on the other hand, acquired the ability to spread to a new host.”
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