ukde: brigadier

en iyi film akademi ödülü sinema sanatları ve bilimleri akademisi tarafından verilen akademi ödüllerinin bir dalıdır.*

en iyi film akademi ödülünü kazanan filmler*

2020 - "parasite
2019 - "green book"
2018 - "the shape of water"
2017 - "moonlight"
2016 - "spotlight"
2015 - "birdman"
2014 - "12 years a slave"
2013 - "argo"
2012 - "the artist"
2011 - "the king's speech"
2010 - "the hurt locker"
2009 - "slumdog millionaire"
2008 - "no country for old men"
2007 - "the departed"
2006 - "crash"
2005 - "million dollar baby"
2004 - "the lord of the rings: the return of the king"
2003 - "chicago"
2002 - "a beautiful mind"
2001 - "gladiator"
2000 - "american beauty"
1999 - "shakespeare in love"
1998 - "titanic"
1997 - "the english patient"
1996 - "braveheart"
1995 - "forrest gump"
1994 - "schindler’s list"
1993 - "unforgiven"
1992 - "the silence of the lambs"
1991 - "dances with wolves"
1990 - "driving miss daisy"
1989 - "rain man"
1988 - "the last emperor"
1987 - "platoon"
1986 - "out of africa"
1985 - "amadeus"
1984 - "terms of endearment"
1983 - "gandhi"
1982 - "chariots of fire"
1981 - "ordinary people"
1980 - "kramer vs. kramer"
1979 - "the deer hunter"
1978 - "annie hall"
1977 - "rocky"
1976 - "one flew over the cuckoo's nest"
1975 - "the godfather part ıı"
1974 - "the sting"
1973 - "the godfather"
1972 - "the french connection"
1971 - "patton"
1970 - "midnight cowboy"
1969 - "oliver!"
1968 - "ın the heat of the night"
1967 - "a man for all seasons"
1966 - "the sound of music"
1965 - "my fair lady"
1964 - "tom jones"
1963 - "lawrence of arabia"
1962 - "west side story"
1961 - "the apartment"
1960 - "ben-hur"
1959 - "gigi"
1958 - "the bridge on the river kwai"
1957 - "around the world in 80 days"
1956 - "marty"
1955 - "on the waterfront"
1954 - "from here to eternity"
1953 - "the greatest show on earth"
1952 - "an american in paris"
1951 - "all about eve"
1950 - "all the kings men"
1949 - "hamlet"
1948 - "gentleman's agreement"
1947 - "the best years of our lives"
1946 - "the lost weekend"
1945 - "going my way"
1944 - "casablanca"
1943 - "mrs. miniver"
1942 - "how green was my valley"
1941 - "rebecca"
1939. everett collection
1940 - "gone with the wind"
1939 - "you can't take ıt with you"
1938 - "the life of emile zola"
1937 - "the great ziegfeld"
1936 - "mutiny on the bounty"
1935 - "ıt happened one night"
1933/1934 - "cavalcade"
1932/1933 - "grand hotel"
1931/1932 - "cimarron"
1930/1931 - "all quiet on the western front"
1929/1930 - "the broadway melody"
1928/1929 - "wings"

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