suzane collıns tarafından yaratılmış bir kitaptır sonra filmi falan çıkmıştır tabi . dördüncü kitabı yeni çıkmıştır yeşil kapaklıdır.
devamını gör...
suzanne collins isimli yazarın yazdığı bilimkurgu-aksiyon türündeki kitap. aynı isimle beyazperdeye de uyarlanmıştır. yönetmeni de gary ross'dur.jennifer lawrence, josh hutcherson, liam hemsworth ve woody harrelson'nın yer aldığı film, 23 mart 2012'de gösterime girmiştir.
devamını gör...
3 kitaptan oluşan filme de uyarlanan seri. bir grup insan bilim adamlarınca oluşturulan yapay bir orman benzeri yere bırakılır. ve onlara çeşitli deprem,zehirli sis vb öldürücü şeyler gönderilir. hayatta kalan yarışmayı kazanır. ara ara acaba dünya da böyle bir yer mi diye düşündürür bana.
devamını gör...
bir zamanlar müthiş bir heyecanla tüm serisini okuduktan sonra ilk filmini izlemek gibi bir hata yaparak hayal kırıklığına uğradığım kitap serisidir.
devamını gör...
tam olarak neden yıllarca abartıldığını asla anlayamadığım ve bana kalırsa hiçbir zaman anlayamayacağım kitap serisi.

ilk iki kitabı okumuştum, o kadar da sürükleyici olmadıklarını düşünüyorum. üçüncü kitabı satın alacak kadar merak etmedim, kitaptan sonra filmi de izledim ve kafamdaki katniss kalıbına tam uymuş olduğunu gördüm jennifer lawrence'ın. peeta da aynı şekilde. ama tıpkı twilight serisi gibi bunun da biraz overrated olduğunu* hala düşünüyorum. bence olayın kitaptan daha içine çeken kısmı suzanne collins'in başarı hikayesidir.
devamını gör...
başıma bir hal gelmeyecekse seneler önce okuduğumda ben beğenmiştim. edebî değeri yok o ayrı. gerçi olsaydı ukitap da takasa sokmazdım
devamını gör...
ilk okuduğumda bilim kurgu sandığım, şimdiyse distopya olarak gördüğüm kitap. bence hak ettiği değeri görememiştir. ilerleyen yıllarda derslerde işlenir.
devamını gör...
küçükken defalarca filmini izledikten sonra kitabını okumakta zorlandığı seri. filmlerine ve baş karaktere aşıktım diyebilirim.
devamını gör...
vasat bir kitap ve film serisidir. battle royal'in komik bir taklidi olmaktan öteye gidememiştir benim için.
devamını gör...
lise yıllarında bayıla bayıla okuduğum seri, bence gençlik kitabı olarak gayet başarılı.
devamını gör...
modern edebiyat içerisindeki en sağlam distopya kitaplardan birisi bu. malum, filmleriyle modern kültürle de fazlasıyla iç içe geçti.

ben de bir fantezi açlık oyunları simülasyonu üzerinde çalışıyordum ve bir 'narrative mode'* geliştirdim. açlık oyunları hikayelerinden hoşlananlar varsa elde edilen sonuçları okumanın epey zevkli olduğunu söylemeliyim, en azından ben eğlendim.

github linki şöyle.

elde ettiğim çıktılardan birisini de buraya koyayım, arada başka da atarım.

welcome to the first hunger games! my name is lucky flickerman, ı will narrate the story of this extremely amazing action!

here are the all tributes from each district:

the male tribute of district 1 georgie lynch (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 1 shirleen valdez (17 years old)

the male tribute of district 2 ardell cunningham (16 years old)
the female tribute of district 2 rhona mcfarland (16 years old)

the male tribute of district 3 dixon massey (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 3 risa neal (14 years old)

the male tribute of district 4 louie hickman (15 years old)
the female tribute of district 4 jazlyn santiago (15 years old)

the male tribute of district 5 algie jefferson (13 years old)
the female tribute of district 5 flavia barton (17 years old)

the male tribute of district 6 sylvanus delacruz (15 years old)
the female tribute of district 6 christeen li (14 years old)

the male tribute of district 7 phoenix mckinney (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 7 zandra horn (14 years old)

the male tribute of district 8 darold hurst (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 8 rhiannon novak (14 years old)

the male tribute of district 9 lanny holland (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 9 cydney henson (14 years old)

the male tribute of district 10 rosario wang (16 years old)
the female tribute of district 10 julianne charles (15 years old)

the male tribute of district 11 granville whitaker (17 years old)
the female tribute of district 11 cena juarez (14 years old)

the male tribute of district 12 deonta watts (13 years old)
the female tribute of district 12 thora hill (15 years old)

deonta watts has been killed by shirleen valdez. with that shirleen valdez has 1 kill(s).
georgie lynch has been killed by phoenix mckinney. with that phoenix mckinney has 1 kill(s).
cena juarez has been killed by shirleen valdez. with that shirleen valdez has 2 kill(s).
darold hurst has been killed by rhona mcfarland. with that rhona mcfarland has 1 kill(s).
lanny holland has been killed by phoenix mckinney. with that phoenix mckinney has 2 kill(s).
louie hickman has been killed by julianne charles. with that julianne charles has 1 kill(s).
phoenix mckinney has been killed by julianne charles. with that julianne charles has 2 kill(s).
algie jefferson has been killed by rhona mcfarland. with that rhona mcfarland has 2 kill(s).
julianne charles has been killed by granville whitaker. with that granville whitaker has 1 kill(s).

the day - 1 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the female tribute of district 1 shirleen valdez (17 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 2 ardell cunningham (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 2 rhona mcfarland (16 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 3 dixon massey (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 3 risa neal (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 4 jazlyn santiago (15 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 5 flavia barton (17 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 6 sylvanus delacruz (15 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 6 christeen li (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 zandra horn (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 8 rhiannon novak (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 9 cydney henson (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 10 rosario wang (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 11 granville whitaker (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 12 thora hill (15 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

sylvanus delacruz has been killed by rhona mcfarland. with that rhona mcfarland has 3 kill(s).
risa neal has been killed by granville whitaker. with that granville whitaker has 2 kill(s).
dixon massey has been killed by shirleen valdez. with that shirleen valdez has 3 kill(s).
thora hill has been killed by shirleen valdez. with that shirleen valdez has 4 kill(s).
granville whitaker has been killed by zandra horn. with that zandra horn has 1 kill(s).
rhiannon novak has been killed by jazlyn santiago. with that jazlyn santiago has 1 kill(s).

the day - 2 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the female tribute of district 1 shirleen valdez (17 years old, has 4 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 2 ardell cunningham (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 2 rhona mcfarland (16 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 4 jazlyn santiago (15 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 5 flavia barton (17 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 6 christeen li (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 zandra horn (14 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 9 cydney henson (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 10 rosario wang (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

flavia barton has been killed by rhona mcfarland. with that rhona mcfarland has 4 kill(s).
rhona mcfarland has been killed by ardell cunningham. with that ardell cunningham has 1 kill(s).
jazlyn santiago has been killed by zandra horn. with that zandra horn has 2 kill(s).
cydney henson has been killed by ardell cunningham. with that ardell cunningham has 2 kill(s).
rosario wang has been killed by shirleen valdez. with that shirleen valdez has 5 kill(s).

the day - 3 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the female tribute of district 1 shirleen valdez (17 years old, has 5 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 2 ardell cunningham (16 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 6 christeen li (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 zandra horn (14 years old, has 2 kill(s).)

christeen li has been killed by ardell cunningham. with that ardell cunningham has 3 kill(s).
zandra horn has been killed by ardell cunningham. with that ardell cunningham has 4 kill(s).

the day - 4 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the female tribute of district 1 shirleen valdez (17 years old, has 5 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 2 ardell cunningham (16 years old, has 4 kill(s).)

ardell cunningham has been killed by shirleen valdez. with that shirleen valdez has 6 kill(s).

the day - 5 has been finished and we have a champion! here is the winner:

the female tribute of district 1 shirleen valdez (17 years old, has 6 kill(s).)
devamını gör...
gerekli açıklama için: #2557158

welcome to the second hunger games! my name is lucky flickerman, ı will narrate the story of this extremely amazing action!

here are the all tributes from each district:

the male tribute of district 1 jonas li (15 years old)
the female tribute of district 1 winnifred hines (17 years old)

the male tribute of district 2 bunk mckee (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 2 mila goodman (15 years old)

the male tribute of district 3 amy church (16 years old)
the female tribute of district 3 evonne crosby (17 years old)

the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old)
the female tribute of district 4 roxane barron (13 years old)

the male tribute of district 5 luka sims (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 5 johanna trevino (15 years old)

the male tribute of district 6 horace joseph (17 years old)
the female tribute of district 6 rennie bruce (15 years old)

the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old)
the female tribute of district 7 annmarie wiggins (15 years old)

the male tribute of district 8 jule bautista (15 years old)
the female tribute of district 8 ronna montes (13 years old)

the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old)
the female tribute of district 9 era barry (14 years old)

the male tribute of district 10 amir banks (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 10 sigrid yoder (14 years old)

the male tribute of district 11 arlington andrews (13 years old)
the female tribute of district 11 simone mayer (16 years old)

the male tribute of district 12 deshawn livingston (16 years old)
the female tribute of district 12 rena holt (17 years old)

sigrid yoder has been killed by winnifred hines. with that winnifred hines has 1 kill(s).
roxane barron has been killed by bunk mckee. with that bunk mckee has 1 kill(s).
luka sims has been killed by lydell sampson. with that lydell sampson has 1 kill(s).
rena holt has been killed by johanna trevino. with that johanna trevino has 1 kill(s).
mila goodman has been killed by arlington andrews. with that arlington andrews has 1 kill(s).
johanna trevino has been killed by bunk mckee. with that bunk mckee has 2 kill(s).
rennie bruce has been killed by evonne crosby. with that evonne crosby has 1 kill(s).

the day - 1 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 jonas li (15 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 1 winnifred hines (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 2 bunk mckee (14 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 3 amy church (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 3 evonne crosby (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 6 horace joseph (17 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 annmarie wiggins (15 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 8 jule bautista (15 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 8 ronna montes (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 9 era barry (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 10 amir banks (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 11 arlington andrews (13 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 11 simone mayer (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 12 deshawn livingston (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

simone mayer has been killed by annmarie wiggins. with that annmarie wiggins has 1 kill(s).
bunk mckee has been killed by jonas li. with that jonas li has 1 kill(s).
amir banks has been killed by jonas li. with that jonas li has 2 kill(s).
jule bautista has been killed by jonas li. with that jonas li has 3 kill(s).

the day - 2 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 jonas li (15 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 1 winnifred hines (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 3 amy church (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 3 evonne crosby (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 6 horace joseph (17 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 annmarie wiggins (15 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 8 ronna montes (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 9 era barry (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 11 arlington andrews (13 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 12 deshawn livingston (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

horace joseph has been killed by jonas li. with that jonas li has 4 kill(s).
arlington andrews has been killed by annmarie wiggins. with that annmarie wiggins has 2 kill(s).
deshawn livingston has been killed by winnifred hines. with that winnifred hines has 2 kill(s).
amy church has been killed by winnifred hines. with that winnifred hines has 3 kill(s).

the day - 3 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 jonas li (15 years old, has 4 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 1 winnifred hines (17 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 3 evonne crosby (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 annmarie wiggins (15 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 8 ronna montes (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 9 era barry (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

era barry has been killed by jonas li. with that jonas li has 5 kill(s).

the day - 4 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 jonas li (15 years old, has 5 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 1 winnifred hines (17 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 3 evonne crosby (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 annmarie wiggins (15 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 8 ronna montes (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

evonne crosby has been killed by jonas li. with that jonas li has 6 kill(s).

the day - 5 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 jonas li (15 years old, has 6 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 1 winnifred hines (17 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 annmarie wiggins (15 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 8 ronna montes (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

ronna montes has been killed by arnie cunningham. with that arnie cunningham has 1 kill(s).

the day - 6 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 jonas li (15 years old, has 6 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 1 winnifred hines (17 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 annmarie wiggins (15 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

annmarie wiggins has been killed by winnifred hines. with that winnifred hines has 4 kill(s).
winnifred hines has been killed by jonas li. with that jonas li has 7 kill(s).

the day - 7 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 jonas li (15 years old, has 7 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

jonas li has been killed by arnie cunningham. with that arnie cunningham has 2 kill(s).

the day - 8 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 roberto shaw (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

roberto shaw has been killed by lydell sampson. with that lydell sampson has 2 kill(s).

the day - 9 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 lydell sampson (17 years old, has 2 kill(s).)

lydell sampson has been killed by arnie cunningham. with that arnie cunningham has 3 kill(s).

the day - 10 has been finished and we have a champion! here is the winner:

the male tribute of district 4 arnie cunningham (16 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
devamını gör...
suzane collıns'in kaleme aldığı, bilim-kurgu eseridir. açlık oyunları, ateşi yakalamak, alaycı kuş ve en son 2020 yılında kuşların ve yılanların şarkısı kitabının yayınlanmasıyla 4 kitaplık bir seridir.

bana göre kitaplarını anlaması çok zor, çünkü yazar çok karmaşık yazmış diye aklımda kaldı.*ama filmleri çok akıcıydı. pek tarzım değildir ama açlık oyunlarını okumaktansa filmini izleyin derim.
devamını gör...
gerekli açıklama için: #2557158

welcome to the third hunger games! my name is lucky flickerman, ı will narrate the story of this extremely amazing action!

here are the all tributes from each district:

the male tribute of district 1 meredith roy (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 1 maura holt (15 years old)

the male tribute of district 2 brett preston (17 years old)
the female tribute of district 2 kelsea walsh (13 years old)

the male tribute of district 3 carlo riley (15 years old)
the female tribute of district 3 ardith gilbert (17 years old)

the male tribute of district 4 garvin goodman (13 years old)
the female tribute of district 4 doshie gallegos (16 years old)

the male tribute of district 5 jennifer cortez (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 5 francies stanley (16 years old)

the male tribute of district 6 luke phelps (14 years old)
the female tribute of district 6 icie yates (17 years old)

the male tribute of district 7 yosef french (15 years old)
the female tribute of district 7 krystin hudson (17 years old)

the male tribute of district 8 joel cochran (13 years old)
the female tribute of district 8 selma gardner (13 years old)

the male tribute of district 9 marrion rogers (15 years old)
the female tribute of district 9 melissia ward (13 years old)

the male tribute of district 10 bunk randolph (17 years old)
the female tribute of district 10 roxana hendricks (17 years old)

the male tribute of district 11 timmy stewart (16 years old)
the female tribute of district 11 jayda berry (15 years old)

the male tribute of district 12 burke underwood (17 years old)
the female tribute of district 12 shawanda gates (14 years old)

roxana hendricks has been killed by yosef french. with that yosef french has 1 kill(s).
melissia ward has been killed by meredith roy. with that meredith roy has 1 kill(s).
shawanda gates has been killed by krystin hudson. with that krystin hudson has 1 kill(s).
garvin goodman has been killed by meredith roy. with that meredith roy has 2 kill(s).
selma gardner has been killed by krystin hudson. with that krystin hudson has 2 kill(s).
ardith gilbert has been killed by timmy stewart. with that timmy stewart has 1 kill(s).
joel cochran has been killed by bunk randolph. with that bunk randolph has 1 kill(s).
maura holt has been killed by brett preston. with that brett preston has 1 kill(s).
icie yates has been killed by jayda berry. with that jayda berry has 1 kill(s).
jennifer cortez has been killed by marrion rogers. with that marrion rogers has 1 kill(s).

the day - 1 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 meredith roy (14 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 2 brett preston (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 2 kelsea walsh (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 3 carlo riley (15 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 4 doshie gallegos (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 5 francies stanley (16 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 6 luke phelps (14 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 7 yosef french (15 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 krystin hudson (17 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 marrion rogers (15 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 10 bunk randolph (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 11 timmy stewart (16 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 11 jayda berry (15 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 12 burke underwood (17 years old, has 0 kill(s).)

yosef french has been killed by doshie gallegos. with that doshie gallegos has 1 kill(s).
luke phelps has been killed by timmy stewart. with that timmy stewart has 2 kill(s).
carlo riley has been killed by burke underwood. with that burke underwood has 1 kill(s).
francies stanley has been killed by jayda berry. with that jayda berry has 2 kill(s).

the day - 2 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the male tribute of district 1 meredith roy (14 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 2 brett preston (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 2 kelsea walsh (13 years old, has 0 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 4 doshie gallegos (16 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 krystin hudson (17 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 marrion rogers (15 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 10 bunk randolph (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 11 timmy stewart (16 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 11 jayda berry (15 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 12 burke underwood (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)

brett preston has been killed by bunk randolph. with that bunk randolph has 2 kill(s).
jayda berry has been killed by krystin hudson. with that krystin hudson has 3 kill(s).
meredith roy has been killed by timmy stewart. with that timmy stewart has 3 kill(s).
kelsea walsh has been killed by timmy stewart. with that timmy stewart has 4 kill(s).

the day - 3 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the female tribute of district 4 doshie gallegos (16 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the female tribute of district 7 krystin hudson (17 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 marrion rogers (15 years old, has 1 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 10 bunk randolph (17 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 11 timmy stewart (16 years old, has 4 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 12 burke underwood (17 years old, has 1 kill(s).)

doshie gallegos has been killed by bunk randolph. with that bunk randolph has 3 kill(s).
burke underwood has been killed by marrion rogers. with that marrion rogers has 2 kill(s).

the day - 4 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the female tribute of district 7 krystin hudson (17 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 marrion rogers (15 years old, has 2 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 10 bunk randolph (17 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 11 timmy stewart (16 years old, has 4 kill(s).)

timmy stewart has been killed by bunk randolph. with that bunk randolph has 4 kill(s).
bunk randolph has been killed by marrion rogers. with that marrion rogers has 3 kill(s).

the day - 5 has been finished. here are the survivors:

the female tribute of district 7 krystin hudson (17 years old, has 3 kill(s).)
the male tribute of district 9 marrion rogers (15 years old, has 3 kill(s).)

marrion rogers has been killed by krystin hudson. with that krystin hudson has 4 kill(s).

the day - 6 has been finished and we have a champion! here is the winner:

the female tribute of district 7 krystin hudson (17 years old, has 4 kill(s).)
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