why are christian women converting to ıslam?

"1. the bible convicts women as the original
sinners, (ie. eve picking from the forbidden
tree){genesis 2:4-3:24}. the koran clarifies it
was adam not eve {qur'an 7:19-25}

2. the bible says "the birth of a daughter is a
loss" {ecclesiasticus 22:3}. the qur'an says both
are an equal blessing { qur'an 42:49}

3. the bible forbids women from speaking in
church {ı corinthians 14:34-35}. the qur'an says
women can argue with the prophet {58:1}

4. ın the bible, divorced women are labeled as
an adulteress, while men are not {matthew 5:31-32}. the
koran does not have biblical double standards
{ qur'an 30:21}

5. ın the bible, widows and sisters do not
ınherit any property or wealth, only men
do{numbers 27:1-11}the koran abolished this
male greediness { qur'an 4:22} and god protects

7. "ıf a man happens to meet a virgin who is not
pledged to be married and rapes her and they are
discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty
shekels of silver. he must marry the girl, for he
has violated her. he can never divorce her as long
as he lives" {deuteronomy 22:28-30}
one must ask a simple question here, who is
really punished, the man who raped the woman or
the woman who was raped? according to the
bible, you have to spend the rest of your life
with the man who raped you.

would the christian men reading this prefer the
women they know to be christian or muslim?

9. women were given rights to vote less than a
100 years ago in the (us), while the quran (42:38) gave
women voting rights almost 1,500 years ago.

10. ıslam has unconfined women and has given them
the human right to reach for the sky. there have been
muslim women presidents through out the centuries,
but to this date, the oppressive mentality of the
men in the western u.s.a. has stopped any women from becoming
presidents in predominately christian countries,
while the muslim countries have voted for and
elected female presidents."

from jews for allah org...
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ne me parle pas de langues vulgaires.
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okay i got it what is your aim, let's set the wheels in motion... cause, you know, better safe than sorry lol. also, where are you off to dude, we will cut watermelone yet!
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a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
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but... what can i do sometimes? and.. it's the football, that's the football, something happened. everything is something happened.*

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hello. my english finished.*
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#857983 oh feridun bro, are you writing sex stories again?
ıt has zero votes so once again, it has been proven that long entries have no readers, even it's a sex story. *

topic that hosts english entries written by people who have studied english for minimum 8 years.
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real islam is only in quran: quranic.org/
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ben bir de ingiliz kırması olarak giriş yapıyorum o halde.
kullanıcı tarafından yüklenmiş görsel
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adulting is a soup and ı'm a fork.*
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there is trouble on this planet.
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yesterday is history,
tomorrow is mystery,
today is a gift,
why we call it present.
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check me out check me out, boom, bam, bop, botta bop boom, pow
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kullanıcı tarafından yüklenmiş görsel
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don't stop, keep sticking
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