kim ne derse desin, bu kez şarkı geceye falan değil; bana gelsin. canım benliğim, seni seviyorum. ben seni öyle bir günde inşa etmedim ki kaybedeyim...
var ol.
yar ol.
aşk ol.

devamını gör...
genç osman - seninle kalıyorum
devamını gör...

ıt's a beautiful song.
devamını gör...
stüdyo kalitesinde mükemmel ötesi bir canlı performans için buyrunuz:
devamını gör...
bilmiyorum çok bayılır misiniz ama nedense içimden (bkz: anathema) dinleyip, dağıtmak geliyor. mesela;

ya da;
devamını gör...
gönül sayfam
devamını gör...
belkıs özener
sevemedim kara gözlüm
devamını gör...
dr.john - litanie des saints

devamını gör...
sevgi var mı? ooo yok
sevgili var mı? ooo yok!
devamını gör...
devamını gör...

sözler şöyle :

sometimes ı try to do things, and it just doesn't work out the way ı wanted to.
and ı get real frustrated and like ı try hard to do it.
ı like take my time and it just doesn't work out the way ı wanted to.
ıt's like ı concentrate on it real hard and it just doesn't work out
and everything ı do and everything ı try it never turns out.
ıt's like ı need time to figure these things out.
there's always someone there going

hey buddy...
you know, we've been noticing you've been having a lot of problems lately.
you know, you need to maybe get away and like maybe you should talk about it,
you'll feel a lot better

ı go...
no it's okay, you know ı'll figure it out, just leave me alone ı'll figure it out.
you know ı'll just work it out myself.

and they go...
well you know if you want to talk about it ı'll be here you know and you'll
probably feel a lot better if you talk about it, so why don't you talk about it?

ı go...
no. ı don't want to talk about it. ı'm okay, ı'll figure it out myself but they just keep
bugging me and they just keep bugging me and it builds up inside.

so you're gonna be institutionalized
you'll come out brainwashed with bloodshot eyes
you won't have anything to say
they'll brainwash you until you see their way.

ı'm not crazy (being institutionalized)
you're the one who's crazy (being institutionalized)
you're driving me crazy (being institutionalized)

they stuck me in an institution
said it was the only solution
to give me the needed professional help
to protect me from the enemy, myself

ı was in my room and ı was like just sitting there staring at the wall thinking about
everything but then again ı was thinking about nothing
and my mom came in and ı didn't even realize she was there and she calls my
name but ı didn't even hear it, and she started screaming buddy! buddy!
and ı go...
what, what's the matter?
and she goes...
what's the matter with you?
ı go...
there's nothing-wrong mom.
and she goes...
don't tell me that, you're on drugs!
ı go...
mom ı'm not on drugs ı'm okay, ı was just thinking you know, why don't
you get me a pepsi?
and she goes...
no you're on drugs!
ı go...
mom ı'm okay, ı'm just thinking.
she goes...
no you're not thinking, you're on drugs! normal people don't act that way!
ı go...
mom just give me a pepsi please
all ı want is a pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me
all ı wanted was a pepsi, just one pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me.
just a pepsi.

they give you a white shirt with long sleeves
tied around you're back, you're treated like thieves
drug you up because they're lazy
ıt's too much work to help a crazy

ı'm not crazy (being institutionalized)
you're the one who's crazy (being institutionalized)
you're driving me crazy (being institutionalized)

they stuck me in an institution
said it was the only solution
to give me the needed professional help
to protect me from the enemy, myself

ı was sitting in my room and my mom and my dad came in and they pulled up
a chair and they sat down and they go...
buddy, we need to talk to you
and ı go...
okay what's the matter?
they go...
me and your mom we've been noticing lately that you've been having a lot of
problems, you've been going off for no reason and we're afraid you're gonna
hurt somebody, we're afraid you're gonna hurt yourself.
so we decided that it would be in your interest if we put you somewhere
where you could get the help that you need.
and ı go...
wait, what are you talking about, we decided!? my best
interest?! how do you know what my best interest is? how can you say what
my best interest is? what are you trying to say, ı'm crazy? when ı went to
your schools, when ı went to your churches, when ı went to your institutional learning
facilities?! how can you say ı'm crazy?

they say they're gonna fix my brain
alleviate my suffering and my pain
but by the time they fix my head
mentally ı'll be dead

ı'm not crazy (being institutionalized)
you're the one who's crazy (being institutionalized)
you're driving me crazy (being institutionalized)

they stuck me in an institution
said it was the only solution
to give me the needed professional help
to protect me from the enemy, myself

ıt doesn't matter. ı'll probably get hit by a car anyway
devamını gör...
grup ekin - direnç çiçeği buradan
devamını gör...
egoist - egoist

türkiye'nin şebnem ferah dahil en iyi rock müzik vokallerinden biri olan meltem taşkıran dan gelsin.

devamını gör...

şarkıyı bulup bana ulaştıran kişiye de ayrıca teşekkürler...
devamını gör...
hiçbir şeyin ilacı
devamını gör...
breaking free
devamını gör...
pek değerli aziz yurttaşlardan isteğimdir. zira bu aralar şarkısızlıktan öleceğim. yeni birileri lazım.
devamını gör...
erkin koray'dan gelsin o zaman. gün ola harman ola...
devamını gör...
devamını gör...
dup duru bir ses, dinlerken sanki derin bir denizin içinde yavaş yavaş dibe doğru soluksuz batıyorsunuz;

yalan dünya senden senden
senden usandım
elden usandım
yardan usandım
candan usandım….

deli gönül senden senden
senden aldandım…

rakı içmelik şarkılar veri tabanı

öyle işte.
devamını gör...

bu başlığa tanım girmek için olabilirsiniz.

zaten üye iseniz giriş yapabilirsiniz.

"geceye bir şarkı bırak" ile benzer başlıklar

normal sözlük'ü kullanarak 3. parti dahil tarayıcı çerezlerinin kullanımına izin vermektesiniz. Daha detaylı bilgi için çerez ve gizlilik politikamıza bakabilirsiniz.

online yazar listesini görmek için lütfen giriş yapın.
zaman tüneli köftehor rehberi portakal normal radyo kütüphane kulüpler renk modu online yazarlar puan tablosu yönetim kadrosu istatistikler iletişim