some smartasses think that we are the idiots that turn up with the shitty topics. as a master of mine once said
ceaselerry the shahneayeah backlerrys
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hello sorry for my bad england. i selled my wife for internet connection for normal dictionary.
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ı just want to say why?
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allah created the world for all of us. and the world is enough for all of us. by ali erbaş.
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my name is sayyid jarrah.
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since there are people who want to practice english let's up this shit.
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burada konuşmam. ı spiiyç kürsü.
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what can i do sometimes little little into the middle. are u cola. i am taksim.ready.(bkz: swh)
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why so cucumber?
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hello. it's me. i was wondering if after all these years, kidding, it's just adele not me. fun fact: her full name is adele laurie blue adkins and she's just 34, what an amazing career that is for such a short time. of course you can say that if my name would be adele laurie blue adkins i also can be that successful and you're absolutely right sister.

the sad thing is none of us have such a fancy name like her and that's why we are losers. welcome to the club buddy. i really wanted to talk about some significant issues of our precious world such as pollution, global warming, economic crisis... but... but guess what happened. adele's just interrupted me, she's not that fancy now ha. breaking into some random ass writer's mind in a fucking shit hole website. right now, you are not that fancy, girl!

you know i'm kidding right, we love you, bottom of our hearts, deep in our souls, and some other lovely shit, in it?
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bu başlığa tanım girmek için olabilirsiniz.

zaten üye iseniz giriş yapabilirsiniz.

"we only write english to this topic" ile benzer başlıklar

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