son yıllarda bana aşırı huzur veren 3 kadın sesinden biri olan wolf larsen'in -diğer iki isim kovacs ve michelle gurevich- 2011 yılında çıkardığı quiet at the kitchen door albümünün ilk şarkısı.

no was her name
no was the lion that no one could tame
but faith was his name
faith came around with a smile on his face, anyway
he said, tell, tell me now
tell me the worry that knit up your brow
she said slow down this train
slow down the iron that runs in my veins
i can hear you tap tappin' at my kitchen door
i can hear the river run, and the river want more
don't you know, i'm already sure
i can hear you tap tappin' at my kitchen door
but no kept her name
no got so quiet she put out her flame
but faith stayed the same
faith came around with that smile on his face the next day
he said, follow me down
follow me down with your pick and your plow
i can hear you tap tappin' at my kitchen door
i can hear the river run and the river want more
don't you know, i am already sure
i can hear you standing quiet at my kitchen door.

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"kitchen door" ile benzer başlıklar

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